Fine Products?
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Shelf Life  
Tweety hides in a cupboard where some products with familiar names
can be found. There's "Grandma Champin's Oatmeal Cookies" (named after
the granny of animator Ken Champin) and "Ross
Raisins" (as in the animator Virgil Ross).
More Goodies? |
More Friz  
A canister of some unnamed product (maybe salt?)
is the next in a series of fine "Friz" products - named after
Friz Freleng of course. There's also a baking soda box from with the
brand name "Hadley Pert & Co." which is most likely
a play on the name "Hawley Pratt" - who was
a layout artist for the Freleng unit.
Name carvings
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Wood Be Gags  
Behind Bugs there are several names and initials carved into the door frame. On the right are
Mike, Friz and Ted for Michael Maltese, Friz Freleng and Ted(d) Pierce.
Then on the left
we see the initials "P.J." for Paul Julian - a background artist. His initials and name made it into a number
of films including Ain't That Ducky (Freleng, 1945) and Ballot
Box Bunny (Freleng, 1951).
The Locals
Animator's Funny Businesses  
In the background on the right end of the picture there is a local business with the
sign "Ken Champin, Veterinary". Ken was one of the animators in this film.
And then right behind the dancing Sam there is another establishment which sports a sign for "G. Chiniquy,
Blacksmith". Gerry Chiniquy was another animator on
"Bugs Bunny Rides Again". I would assume that a blacksmith
shop in a Warner Bros. cartoon would have an ample supply of anvils, wouldn't you?
One More
More Funny Businesses  
And now there are two more businesses to check out. The red "Hadley & Pert Feed & Grain" building is another
joke based on the name of Hawley Pratt, the layout artist. Now check out the creme colored building to the right of that.
It is labelled as "J. C. Melendez Pulqueria". Melendez was an animator also. But what is a Pulqueria? It's
a place where you can enjoy an alcoholic beverage called
pulque - a traditional native fermented beverage of Mesoamerica
derived from juice of the maguey. It's not well know outside of Mexico because it is difficult to store or preserve.
Note that you can catch some recent commentaries by Melendez along with clips and interviews with him in some of the
Looney Tunes Golden Collection DVDs.
Wright or Wrong?
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What's Wrong with this picture?  
The "House of Tomorrow" is designed by "F. Lloyd Wrong".
This is a play on the name of the famous architect
"F. Lloyd Wright".
Kitty and Pratt
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In the can  
Next to the kitty in the can is a bottle
"Pratts Cocktail Sherry" - apparently a reference to
Hawley Pratt (layout artist).
Is it Soup?
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Friz Sighting  
Behind Bugs is a billboard for another in a long line
of fine "Friz" brand products (named after Friz Freleng).
The latest offering is
"Friz the wonder soup".
[Thanks to Haretonic for the pointer and an image of this gag. ].
Adverse Reaction?
Mighty Sight  
The marquee announces "The Mighty Warner Epic, "Anthony Adverse".
There's also a "Dick's Malt Shop" across the street -
perhaps a nod to Dick Bickenbach.
Name Dropping
Building a Name  
Atop a building behind the inverted Elmer is a sign which
reads "Hadley & Pert". This is another fun
variation on Hawley Pratt's name they slipped into the scenery.
Pratt was the Freleng unit's layout artist.
See Backwash
Don't Miss It  
A poster in the background is advertising a new feature called "Backwash"
starring "Pete Burness". Pete was an animator at Warners.
[Thank you to Martin Juneau for hot tip about this gag.].
Love The Names
Name That Building  
Behind Elmer this time are two more buildings with names on the roof.
For the building on the right, it reads "H Love", while on the left it
is "Batchelder's".
Harry Love and Warren Batchelder were two animators at Warner Bros.
Catch Frizby!
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The "Magician"  
Behind Bugs is a poster advertizing an act by "Frizby the Magician".
Frizby was another nickname for Friz Freleng.
Friz on a Crate
Friz sighting  
Another entry in the spot-the-Friz (Freleng) series:
on the side of the crate there's a Friz label.
Badminton, anyone? |
Two characters?
The two badminton players show a striking similarity
to the caricatures of Michael Maltese and Tedd Pierce
that were used in Wackiki Wabbit (Maltese is on the
left, Pierce on the right).
[Thanks to Jack for pointing out this one. ].
The place to stay?
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Jones Motel  
Chuck Jones slipped in a little self-reference on
the billboard behind the coyote: "Jones Motel".
[Thanks go to Pat for pointing out this one.]
So Many Bottles...
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The Right Stuff?  
Bluebeard goes through Porky's medicine cabinet in a hurry
giving us a peek at some interesting bottles. Many of the labels have the
names of people: "Frizby Mixture" (Friz Freleng), "Maltese Minestrone" (Michael Maltese),
"Ted Pierce's Medicine" (Ted Pierce), "Dr. Foster's Panache" (Warren or Don Foster),
"Lydia Hokum" and (Chuck) "Jones Laxative". There are also interesting items like
"Castor Erl", "Little Liver Pills" and "Alky Haul".
Leaving the studio
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The studio  
As the shakespearean dog heads home, the studio name is visible -
Warner Bros.
Prissy Pauses
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Looking for Eggs?  
Prissy finds herself outside of a
shop called
"Foster's Eggs". This is
a most likely a reference to Warren Foster,
the writer of this cartoon.
Note: see the "By Word of Mouse"
entry for another appearance by
"Foster's Eggs".
A Crate Scene
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Daffy on the Hadley Seat  
The little black duck finds himself seated on a wooden crate in this scene.
If you look closely the crate reads "Hadley Scotch".
The layout
artist Hawley Pratt often used words derived from his
name and Hadley was one of his favorites variations.
Friz and more
Buildings With Familiar Names  
First, there's a "Friz" sighting - Friz Freleng liked to slip his nickname
into the background scenery. This time Friz is a soft drink and the sign
simply implores "Drink Friz! Six
Delicious Flavors". But wait, there's more - you can also see
where another staff member gets a building named after him. This time it's
"Champin's 5 and 10" named after animator Ken Champin. And finally, there's also a
"Mike's Grill" to the far right, perhaps a Mike Maltese nod?
Potter's Field |
Potter's Field  
At this point in the film,
a sign can be seen in the alley behind Sylvester which says that there are auto
races July 26 at "Potter's Field". The term "Potter's Field" is used to refer to a
graveyard for the poor or unclaimed bodies.
Not a likely place for a racetrack...
Hippety Hops By...
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Hopping By  
Hippety Hopper bounces
down the sidewalk past some posters - one of which is covered
partially but appears to say "Bugs Bunny in Person".
Concert Sign
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Three Familiar Names  
The sign advertising the summer opera
"Barber of Seville" features the names of three people: Eduardo Selzeri,
Michele Maltese and Carlo Jonzi. Those three are better known
as Eddie Selzer (the producer), Michael Maltese (the writer)
and Chuck Jones (the director).