Sign of Katz
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A Katz Sighting  
Behind Porky is a sign which says "Katz" - another reference to Ray Katz.
Borax and Portis |
How far to Portis?
The small town of Portis, Kansas appears again - this time on the wall
behind "Borax Karoff". The sign reads "Portis 208 Miles".
Note that there are also a pair of license plates
on the wall nearby (not shown here) which are for the states of Kansas and
Nebraska. Portis is in Kansas and is close to Nebraska and is
the hometown of Melvin Millar. Here's a picture of the monument the town of Portis made to honor Millar. Portis was also mentioned in
"Bingo Crosbyana", "Porky's Pet",
"Porky in the North Woods",
"Sniffles and the Bookworm" and "The Case
of the Stuttering Pig".
Just married
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Pig's Plates  
As the new couple drives off, the license
plate is a number, 130013. However, the 1 and 3
are very close together which makes them look like
a letter "B". That turns the number into a word:
Getting Warmer
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Warmer Bros.  
This newsreel begins with
a "Warmer Bros." title card.
This play on the name "Warner Bros."
appears in other cartoons
including The Film Fan (1939),
Porky's Movie Mystery (1939)
Hollywood Daffy (1946).
Purse Power  
In this little scene there is a purse with the initials J.W. - possibly refering to the studio head Jack Warner - the
true holder of the purse strings around there...
Warmer Again
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It's Back!  
As the film within a film begins there is another
"Warmer Bros." title card.
Giving Credits
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The Cast of Characters  
These are fun to read.... take a look.
That's All
In the background of the scene there are some signs - one lists the available drinks:
Tom Collins, Straight Whisky and Gin Fizz then closes with the line "That's All Folks" - a line which is rather
familiar to any fan of LT&MM films.
His Ship Comes In?
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Leon's Ship?  
The drawbridge rises to let the "S.S. Leon" pass by. Looks like
yet another Leon Schlesinger reference to me.
Jones' Seeds?
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He's got the seeds?  
The chick is next to a spinach seed package
which says "Jones Garden Seeds" along the bottom.
Katz' Girls
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Katz and the Girls  
Ray Katz is immortalized on a building called the
"Katz School For Girls". They never explain why it is closed...
Today's Headlines |
What's Up?
There are a few hidden items in the newspaper. First of all,
the paper is for "Porkysville. Thoisday Octember". Secondly,
one headline declares that "Police Reported to be in Hiding".
And finally, the weather summary is "Weather Very Unusual".
The Wheel Thing? |
What's Up, Hub?
If you look closely at the hubcap on this car it says
"LA Leon" - an apparent reference to Leon Schlesinger.
Picket Fence
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Termite Terrace Staff  
The line of people turned to stone include
(from left to right) Lu Guarnier, Robert Cannon,
John Carey, Ernest Gee, Bob Clampett, and Chuck Jones.
OnThe Wire
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Managing Western Bunion  
If you look carefully you find the management team's names for the wire company.
It lists Melvin Millar as "President", Volney White as "President of the Board" and Bob Bentley as "First Vice President".
Melvin Millar is a writer while the other two men are animators.
Special Sardines  
The sardines in this scene aren't just any old sardine - they are Cannon Brand Sardines. This would be
inspired by Robert Cannon, one of the animators.
Need a ride?
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Looking for more horsepower? 
On the wall of the pony express office
is a sign saying "Wanted Model T, New or Used".
What's that say?
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Kosher Nuts 
One squirrel is inspecting nuts and stamps the good ones with some Hebrew characters for "kosher".
The symbol at right is a "kaf," which is pronounced like "C", in the middle is a "shin," which
sounds like "SH", and at left there's a "reish," which sounds like "R". So, reading from right to left, it
says kosher.
[Thanks to David Gerstein for the Hebrew lesson :) ].
It's Tonight!
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Looney Sign  
On the fence behind the firetruck there is a sign
advertising "Opera House Tonight: Looney Tunes".
Porky - behind you! |
A familar name  
Behind the hard-working fireman
Porky, there's a reference to
the writer of the cartoon, Melvin "Tubby" Millar.
One of the buildings reads "Millar's Dry Goods".
Prof Dalton?
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The Dalton Statue 
Behind the cool cats is a statue which says "Prof. Dalton 1908".
This would seem to be a reference to one of the directors, Cal Dalton.
Why 1908?
Most likely because Cal Dalton was born December 2, 1908.
Hello there!
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Meet the director...  
There are several staff caricatures hidden in this cartoon. You have to
freeze individual frames to
see them clearly. At least some of these are
similar to the "Picket Line" caricatures in "Porky's Hero Agency".
Anyway, in this first caricature, Bob Clampett can be seen peeking
out from underneath
a punch by the champ.
Steppin' Out? |
What's that you said?
The referee lets out an
excited cry which when reversed sounds
like this. It
sounds like he's saying "right out of the box".
Hi there Porky |
Pig in a Punch
Inside the flurry of punches you can see Porky for a moment.
Getting Carey-ed Away |
Say "Hi" to all the nice people...
The next caricature appears to be a waving John Carey.
Face it |
Mystery Face
What appears to be another staff caricature is shown here.
However, I'm not sure who this is supposed to be. Note that
there appears to be a hand holding a flower under him.
Gee Whiz |
A Smiling Gee
The final caricature looks like Ernest Gee.