Please note: I have quite a few gags yet to add.
Keep checking back here for additions!
- 8/13/2006: Changes and additions:
- Replaced the old discussion board with a new blog. This should cut
down on spam and be a more effective way to share ideas about the site.
- Note that most soundclips have been converted to mp3. The wavs were taking up too much space and the site was
running out of room - this helped free up alot of it!
- Added Buddy's Trolley Troubles
(Freleng, 1934) Katz Beer
- Added Hollywood Capers (King, 1935) Warmer Bros, misc names in the backgrounds
- Added Porky's Moving Day (King, 1936) - Millar's Ag Emporium
- Speaking Of The Weather
(Tashlin, 1937) - Added several new gags - improved the image quality on all of them, corrected some text.
- She Was An Acrobat's Daughter
(Freleng, 1937) - revised the existing gag and added several more - silly credits, Jack Warner, "That's All Folks"
- New stuff: Porky At The Crocadero (Tashlin, 1938) - Millar, White and Bentley
- Added new entry - Porky's 5 & 10 (Clampett, 1938) - Cannon Brand Sardines
- Major revisions, improved images, new gags added to Have You Got Any Castles?
(Tashlin, 1938)
- New entry - Hare-um Scare-um (Dalton and Hardaway, 1939) - Hardaway and Cavett
- New entry -
Porky's Hotel (Clampett, 1939) - Katz Hotel
- New entry -
Fagin's Freshman (Dalton and Hardaway, 1939) - Friz potrait, Cavett, Hogan
Sniffles and the Bookworm (Jones, 1939) - revised some details
- New entry - Bedtime For Sniffles (Jones, 1940) Monahan on watchface
- Added Joe Glow The Firefly (Jones, 1941) - Jones caricature
- Russian Rhapsody (Clampett, 1944) - added Hitler speech excerpt
- Another new one: Draftee Daffy (Clampett, 1945) - Cornett Wood
- More new stuff: The Gay Anties (Freleng, 1947) - Frisby Pure Jam
- Updated Bugs Bunny Rides Again (Freleng, 1948) to include new gags and much clearer images!
- Revised the text and replaced the images for Bye Bye Bluebeard (Davis, 1949).
Porky's medicine cabinet.
- Added Rabbit Every Monday (Freleng, 1951) - HP Cement
- Added Tweety's SOS (Freleng, 1951) - Hawley and Pratt Salts
- New gags for Honey's Money (Freleng, 1962) - Friz money, plates
- 11/5/2003 - 8/13/2006: Changes and additions
- During this time period my available time for "hobby" sites like this was extremely limited but
there were actually a number of fixes and small additions to the site. These were not well documented. Sorry about that.
I plan to do a better job in the future so the site looks like it's being maintained!
- 11/5/2003: Changes and additions:
- 10/28/2003: Changes and additions:
- 6/02/2003: Changes and additions:
- 1/8/2003: Changes and additions:
- 1/3/2003: Changes and additions:
- 12/31/2002: Changes and additions:
- Beauty And The Beast
(Freleng, 1934) Lillian Freleng
- I'm A Big Shot Now
(Freleng, 1936) - names in the headlines
- She Was An Acrobat's Daughter
(Freleng, 1937) - Warmer Bros
- Thugs With Dirty
Mugs (Avery, 1939) - G-man Garner
- Updated information and images in
Sniffles and the Bookworm (Jones, 1939)
- Have You Got Any Castles?
(Tashlin, 1938) - Updated to include information about Ann Almond and
Betty Burke.
- Confederate Honey
(Freleng, 1940) - soldier caricatures
- You Ought To Be In Pictures
(Freleng, 1940) - staff in live action roles
- Tortoise
Wins By A Hare (Clampett, 1943) - Sasanoff, Hitler
- Hollywood Daffy
(Freleng, 1946) - Warmer Bros.
- Walky Talky Hawky (McKimson, 1946) - LT & MM Comics
- A Ham In A Role (McKimson, 1949) - Warner Bros.
- Beep, Beep
(Jones, 1952) - Harris Soup
- The Hole Idea
(McKimson, 1955) - Camera by Selzer
- Rocket Squad
(Jones, 1956) - Button Names
- Heaven
Scent (Jones, 1956) - Selzer and Blanc bulidings
- 2/04/2002: Changes and additions:
- Revised the left side menus to list years instead of just "Next" and "Previous"
links. I hope it makes the site easier to navigate.
- Billboard Frolics (Freleng, 1935) - Three
Star Millar
- Flowers For Madame
(Freleng, 1936) - Pierce's Pine and Tar Soap
Circus Today (Avery, 1940) - LS Circus, Gamer, Hogan, Clampett and Binder.
- Bugs And Thugs (Freleng, 1954) - local 839
- Added to One Froggy Evening (Jones, 1955) -
Gribbroek Theatrical Shoes
- Nelly's Folly (Jones, 1961) - "So Much
For So Little", Warner Club members
- 11/30/2001: Added new stuff:
- 08/03/2001: Added new stuff:
- Katnip Kollege
(Dalton & Howard, 1938) - Prof Dalton
- Robin Hood Makes Good
(Jones, 1939) - A Binder stove.
- Added several images to
Sniffles and the Bookworm (Jones, 1939) - Many fun books (LT & MM,
Porky, Jones, Binder, Portis etc...)
- Nutty News (Clampett, 1942) - Binder,
Dalton and Harris caricatures.
- High Diving Hare (Freleng, 1949) -
Frizby the Magician
- Chow Hound
(Jones, 1951) - Lost and Found ads
- 07/24/2001: Added a new page about the Millar monument in Portis, Kansas. Also linked the entries containing Portis references to the new page.
- 05/04/2001: Added more new entries.
- 02/06/2001: Added more new entries.
- 01/21/2001: Added more new entries.
- Porky's Road Race
(Tash, 1937) - Katz & Portis
- Porky's Railroad
(Tashlin, 1937) - "S.S. Leon"
- Porky's Double Trouble (Tashlin, 1937) -
Katz Girls School, Porkysville, "LA Leon".
- Bad Ol' Putty Tat (Freleng, 1949) -
Friz sighting, Maltese and Pierce.
- My Little Duckaroo (Jones, 1954) -
brand on Daffy's horse
- Knight-mare Hare (Jones, 1955) -
Book by Burton, Merlin Monroe
- Gopher Broke (McKimson, 1958) -
Sigmund Fraud
- 01/12/2001: Added six new entries.
- 12/28/2000: The site has grown so much that each page was getting too large so I
rearranged the pages, created several new ones in the process.
Added the following:
- New Topics page which is an index
page with items grouped together by topics.
- Into Your Dance (Freleng, 1935) -
Jones Grocery
- Porky's Pet
(King, 1936) - Burton's Burpo Beer, Malaria Manor, Millar Manor
- Porky the Fireman
(Tashlin, 1938) - Looney Tunes sign, Millar's dry goods
Porky's Movie Mystery (Clampett, 1939) - Warmer Bros.
Naughty Neighbors (Clampett, 1939) - Newspaper - Carey and the Titanic
Porky's Baseball Broadcast (Clampett, 1940) - Outfield billboard.
- Baseball Bugs (Freleng, 1946) -
Detective Maltese
- Holiday For Shoestrings (Freleng, 1946) -
chattering elves
- Racketeer Rabbit (Freleng, 1946) -
Hotel Friz
- Fast and Furry-ous (Jones, 1949) -
Jones' Motel
- Ballot Box Bunny (Freleng, 1951) -
names on buildings
- By Word of Mouse (McKimson, 1954) -
Foster's Eggs and Fritz Transfer Co..
- Gee Whiz-z-z-z-z-z (Jones, 1956) - Selzer
sign service
- Ducking the Devil (McKimson, 1957) -
Ike's slow cruise
- Updated Puddy Tat Trouble
(Freleng, 1951) - to include a Friz portrait
- 12/12/2000: Added
- 11/27/2000: Added new stuff:
- 11/21/2000: Expanded into two more pages, added new stuff:
- Have You Got Any Castles?
(Tashlin, 1938) - Humorous books, Uncle Leon and Uncle Ray,
ask boss for a raise, staff names on books.
- Daffy The Commando (Clampett, 1943) - Poster of a
- Bugs Bunny Rides Again (Freleng, 1948) - animator's
names on buildings
- An Egg Scramble (McKimson, 1950) - "Foster's Eggs"
- Canned Feud (Freleng, 1951) - Note to the milkman
- Stupor Duck (McKimson, 1956) - McKimson
Associates, Dr Pierce's pills
- Boston Quackie (McKimson, 1957) - Electric
chair car [added to the existing "Instant girl" entry]
- Soup or Sonic (Jones & Monroe, 1980) - Acme Friz-bee
- 11/10/2000: Reworked much of the site. Added a couple of new pages full of
- 10/24/2000: Draft version of Caricature page created
(Wackiki Wabbit and Russian Rhapsody)
- 9/13/2000: First prototype page in place for Intro, News and Page 1.
- 7/15/2000: began organizing my list of know hidden gags.